Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Cranberry-Chocolate Tart Verdict

I really liked this pie, but think I made some small mistakes that could have made it amazing. I don't think I added enough butter to the crust which made it stick to the bottom of the pan, and I'm not sure if I followed the directions correctly when mixing the cheese layer. With that said, my first reaction to the pie was: "Wow that's a huge cranberry taste!" and I wasn't sure if I liked that. After eating more, I decided the blend of the chocolate with the cheese layer really complemented the cranberry taste well. I don't know if it was because most people had left the party I brought the pie to or if it was too fancy for the crowd, but not very many people ate it. Anyway, I liked it and would suggest the fancy cooks try it.

Instead of typing the recipe out for you, I thought I would direct you to the bon appetit website so you can surf their collection of recipes even further:

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