Thursday, October 22, 2009


Welcome to my work in progress! I've thought about creating a cooking blog for a while now, and was finally pushed into the idea by some encouraging friends. I'm hoping to create something that will be interesting, but also informative. I love cooking and have traveled through a number of blogs. I hope to make this what I would want to see in my searches for food information.

I'm a new wife with a kitchen completely to myself for the first time. I plan and make all the meals in this relationship, so I hope to share my successes (and maybe not such successes) to all of you. Since I need to be prepared for three meals a day, everyday, so I am constantly thinking about food and starting to get a lot of practice in my kitchen. Already in these first few months of marriage I have seen my cooking grow. I hope that continues!

Thank you for coming and visiting my blog, and I hope you'll come back soon!

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